
Endorsements for The Great Unlearning
The Great Unlearning is a powerful treasure of inspiring art and extraordinary stories of transformation that will help many heal their lives from trauma. In an honest and heartfelt way, Mary La ushers us onto a path of self-love by demonstrating that we can overcome adversity and life can be joyous when we reconnect with life's purpose.
~ Agapi Stassinopoulos, author of Speaking with Spirit: 52 Prayers to Guide, Inspire and Uplift You
Mary La’s The Great Unlearning is a masterclass in midlife self-reflection and a testament to human courage and resilience. Her quest to heal from a history of family dysfunction and trauma demonstrates the power of perseverance and the beauty of spirit, and yields a satisfying conclusion steeped in love. Mary’s photographic self-portraits showcase her breadth of talent and only deepen the reader’s journey.
~ Hélène T. Stelian, Midlife Empowerment Coach
I’ve rarely, if ever, read such an impressive, raw, soul-baring memoir. This breathtaking journey of healing leaves us with hope and inspiration that we, too, can leave behind a traumatic past and find true peace. I give it my highest recommendation.
~Debbie Phillips, Founder of Women on Fire
Your writing is profound, heartbreaking, joyous, authentic, fierce, and tender. I am grateful for your example of deeper self-reflection to discover lessons that need to be unlearned to allow for healing and growth. Sharing your book with the world is a gift that invites others to more closely examine life, relationships, and everything that makes us human. There is so much pain and beauty in life and your literary expression holds these opposites in balance.
~ Cathy Siller
Endorsements for Enduring Love
“Enduring Love speaks the great truth. Only love gives every life meaning, is immortal, and provides the bridge between the land of the living Mary’s hospice portraits and stories bridge the gap.
Hospices which enable love transform the dying process and enrich lives. My father died laughing because of the love he felt from his wife and family. A beautiful life affirming book.”
~ Bernie Siegel, MD, best selling author of Love, Medicine, & Miracles
“Enduring Love, Inspiring Stories of Love and Wisdom at the End-of-Life is a compelling glimpse into the world of the dying, their families, and the professional caregiver. Mary artistically combines poignant photography with captivating stories and in doing so, honors the wisdom of those who have traveled the path of serious illness. As a professional caregiver I found this book validating, as a family member I found it enlightening, and as a pilgrim in an impermanent life I found it inspiring.”
~ Jennifer Gentry,
ANP, BC, GNP, ACHPN, FPCN, Past President, Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association Board of Directors and Nurse Practitioner, Duke Palliative Care
"Enduring Love is a heartfelt composition of words and pictures that shows us the gentle, sacred side of dying. In society today dying and death is viewed as a negative, a feared encounter we close our eyes to until life forces its experience upon us. Mary’s photographs show us beauty and her words show us the natural, normal, unfolding process of life at its ending. Through sharing her stories and her personal thoughts she not only guides us but she helps ease the fears we bring to our final act of living. "
~ Barbara Karnes, RN
Award winning end of life educator and author of Gone From my Sight: The Dying Experience