What does it mean to be a Crone?

I asked my Facebook friends what they think it means to be a Crone.

In my post I mentioned I’ve survived a traumatic past, emerged at 62 wiser, more compassionate, and patient. Does that make me a Crone? Or do I have to have some sinister qualities about me to qualify?

Most comments were about wise old women with mysterious ways about them. Other gals had difficulties with the title because of some negative hag-like connotations.

My friend Lisa, shared this link from Sarah Grace Powers titled “Reclaiming Crone, Reclaiming Power.” It’s an inspiring read that dives deep into the “magical element that surrounds this reviled word.”

Before posting this question, I thought being a Crone had to do with old age, surviving trauma, and carrying forward wisdom. Now, I think it is my birthright and worthy of celebration. I am a Crone.


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